Efficient Hitting with Redundant Joints of a Robot Manipulator
H. Khurana, A. Billard
Under review IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters , 2024
(RA-L), 2024
Learning Inverse Hitting Problem
H. Khurana, J. Hermus, M. Gautier, A. Billard
Under review IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters , 2024
(RA-L), 2024
This paper proposes an impact aware extended Kalman filter to predict the final position of a known cuboidal object when subjected to an impulse through a manipulator. The discontinuous impulse motion equations are approximated through a continuous hitting force model by balancing the energies during collision. The results are tested on an experimental setup consisting of KUKA lbr iiwa 7 arm hitting a known object.
Hitting with different joints of a robotic manipulator
H. Khurana, A. Billard
ICRA 2024, Workshop on Agile Robotics: From Perception to Dynamic Action,
(ICRA), 2024
This paper builds up the skill of impact aware non prehensile manipulation through a hitting motion by allowing the robot arm to come in contact with the environment with parts other than its end effector. Hitting with other joints allows us to manipulate heavier objects since the robot effective inertia is higher at joints other than its end effector. Preliminary work to align the robot to hit an object from a certain joint while having better understanding of desired directional inertia values is presented.
Motion Planning and Inertia based control for Impact Aware Manipulation
H. Khurana, A. Billard
In IEEE Transactions on Robotics, (TRO), 2023
In this paper, we propose a metric called hitting flux which is used in the motion generation and controls for a robot manipulator to interact with the environment through a hitting or a striking motion. Given the task of placing a known object outside of the workspace of the robot, the robot needs to come in contact with it at a non zero relative speed. The configuration of the robot and the speed at contact matter because they affect the motion of the object. The physical quantity called hitting flux depends on the robot’s configuration, the robot speed and the properties of the environment. An approach to achieve the desired directional pre-impact flux for the robot through a combination of a dynamical system (DS) for motion generation and a control system that regulates the directional inertia of the robot is presented. Furthermore, a Quadratic Program (QP) formulation for achieving a desired inertia matrix at a desired position while following a motion plan constrained to the robot limits is presented. The system is tested for different scenarios in simulation showing the repeatability of the procedure and in real scenarios with KUKA LBR iiwa 7 robot.
A Stable Adaptive Extended Kalman Filter for Estimating Robot Manipulators Link Velocity and Acceleration
S. A. B. Birjandi, H. Khurana, A. Billard, S. Haddadin
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems,
(IROS), 2023, Detroit, USA
One can estimate the velocity and acceleration of robot manipulators by utilizing nonlinear observers. This involves combining inertial measurement units (IMUs) with the motor encoders of the robot through a model-based sensor fusion technique. This approach is lightweight, versatile (suit- able for a wide range of trajectories and applications), and straightforward to implement. In order to further improve the estimation accuracy while running the system, we propose to adapt the noise information in this paper. This would automat- ically reduce the system vulnerability to imperfect modelings and sensor changes. Moreover, viable strategies to maintain the system stability are introduced. Finally, we thoroughly evaluate the overall framework with a seven DoF robot manipulator whose links are equipped with IMUs.
A Virtual Reality Interface for an Autonomous Spray Painting UAV
A. S. Vempati, H. Khurana, V. Kabelka, S. Flueckiger, R. Siegward, P. Beardsley
In IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, (RA-L), 2019
PaintCopter is an autonomous unmanned aerial vehi-cle (UAV) capable of spray painting on complex three-dimensional (3D) surfaces. This letter aims to make PaintCopter more user-friendly and to enable more intuitive human–robot interaction. We propose a virtual reality interface that allows the user to immerse in a virtual environment, navigate around the target surface, and paint at desired locations using a virtual spray gun. A realistic paint simulator provides a real-time previsualization of the painting ac- tivity that can either be processed right away or stored to a disk for later execution. An efficient optimization based planner uses this information to plan the painting task and execute it. The proposed planner maximizes the paint quality while respecting the spray noz- zle constraints and platform dynamics. Our experiments show that the interface allows the user to make precise modifications to the target surface. Finally, we demonstrate the use of virtual reality interface to define a painting mission, and then the PaintCopter carrying out the mission to paint a desired multicolored pattern on a 3D surface.